
Summary of filming sessions 1

Date: 09/02/2016

Group members today: Robert and Tyler

Today myself and Tyler found out that we hadn't researched our production schedule enough and that we didn't have any of the props that we needed ready.
Therefore today Tyler set about making the police-style profiles that we would use to present the title and other hey words/names that would appear in our title sequence.

Meanwhile I was busy creating the Government message that our protagonist (Damien) would be sent telling him that his daughter has been kidnapped and that he should stop protesting or watch her die.

Overall we both managed to get the key props ready and prepared for our next lesson (11/02/2016) where will film the scenes that don't involve us acting because it will once again be just us 2 (Harry is occupied temporarily until Friday), instead the scenes will be the one's that have the key words and names in them.

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